Saturday, July 2, 2011

Where have I been?

Because I know everyone is dying to know what I've been up to, as I've been away from the "metal scene" for a while, Yours Truly and MetalBro4Life has been working hard getting his act together.... actually, more like his ACTING career together!

I've been forgoing and skipping several metal shows for several reasons: 1) The shows have been quite lame and spread out way too far from each other; 2) The bands nowadays suck ass, plus I was bored and tired of spending money on shitty shows; 3) Getting my career going -- oh yes, I belong to AFTRA now! Don't know what that is..... look it up; 4) Bad economy; 5) I needed to reevaluate myself and get away from the scene -- dare I say, grow up? In any case, I still love heavy metal music, but there are much better things out there for an ambitious, talented, young stud like myself to discover and conquer. And so far, I'm succeeding!

Don't worry, metal chumps, I will make my return to the scene shortly, and we can have plenty of time to catch up. I'm so looking forward to getting into it with the fans and bands again. After all, that -- along with acting -- is what I do best! +{:]:-)

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