Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Decimation of the Nation Tour w/ Hatebreed, Cannibal Corpse, Unearth, Born of Osiris, Hate Eternal @ Nokia Theatre - 12/18/09

The "Decimation of the Nation" tour winds down with only three dates left and for some, like myself, this is the last "big" show of the year, and what a way to end it! Despite the oncoming snowstorm, which eventually caused the cancellation of the last show in Philly, fans flocked to the Nokia Theater to see the odd pairing of metal/hardcore hybrids Hatebreed and Tampa death metal legends Cannibal Corpse, plus Metal Blade youngsters Unearth, Born of Osiris and Hate Eternal (which Corpse bassist Alex Webster had played on their latest album "Fury and Flames").

The night started very slowly from Hate Eternal, who perform like an awkward "power trio" since the departure of guitarist Shaune Kelley, who brought a combination of grit, brutal force and technique to the otherwise mind-numbing noise and incomprehensible lyrics coming from frontman and Ron Perlman-looking reject Erik Rutan, and Webster, who was replaced by someone who had absolutely no business being onstage. The crowd seemed content to stay put without going absolutely bonkers despite several attempts from Rutan to get the crowd to lose it. His "come-ons!" seemed to draw more heckles than actual movement. If heckling was a movement, then he got what he wanted. In the short time they spent onstage, only one boy had the balls to actually crowd-surf, and even he fell on his ass because nobody was interested enough in keeping him up.

Born of Osiris didn't fare much better. Their keyboardist kept preening around like a fag peacock with bright feathers while the other members just played without any real heart behind it. They were probably the most forgettable in the entire lineup.

Unearth, who I consider to be the junior league versions of the Big Four like Trivium, were better until their little douchebag of a guitar player Ken Susi had nothing better to do expect spit water in the air righ before each song! I can't tell you how put off and disgusted I was at this little no-talent turd with nothing special to offer the band or its fans except posturing and posing. Advice to Unearth - dump this losers fast! How about I come over and spit in his face? Then maybe I could have enjoyed myself more. Once all the junior leaguers left the stage, the real meat and potatoes metal too over! T

While Cannibal Corpse lives up to the hype, I can't help but feel slightly disappointed. Not necessarily in them or their playing, but the lack of pandemonium coming from the crowd behind me. I expect flying bodies and broken bones, but even the mighty Corpse didn't "kill" the crowd as expected. I did enjoy it when frontman George Fisher made a dedication speech "to all the horny bitches" in Nokia, causing many loud squeals from the females in attendance, right before going into "Fucked with a Knife". Fisher seems especially comfortable with demonstrating his masterbatory skills during "I Cum Blood" or putting the microphone between his giant thighs which might indicate the length of his cock, which from my vantage point looked rather small. The Corpse wrapped it up with the satisfyingly typical "Hammer Smashed Face" and soon left the stage. The gracious and always-friendly Alex Webster tossed bottles of water to the thirsty crowd, one of which I managed to catch.

Once Hatebreed took the stage, it was apparent that these guys were the one they wanted to catch. But I wasn't blown away by Hatebreed that much! I yawned, in fact, which caused guitarist Frank Novinec to yell "C'mon! Wake up!" at me. Sadly, it didn't work. But I did enjoy their familiar tunes such as "Defeatist", "I Will Be Heard", "This Is Now", "To the Threshold", "Destroy Everything", a cover of Slayer's "Ghosts of War", and "In Ashes They Shall Reap" from the new album. Still, I wasn't completely won over.

HATE ETERNAL - The loss of guitarist Shaune Kelley and minus Alex Webster on bass really saps the energy completely. Set Grade: C

BORN OF OSIRIS - A complete bore. The band that doesn't belong anywhere near or on this bill. Back to the garage with you all. Set Grade: C-

UNEARTH - Fire that Susi punk and maybe you'll get somewhere.... oh yeah, and write better songs. Set Grade: C+

CANNIBAL CORPSE - Should have headlined! Above average performances could have been better if the players moved around and had some fun with it. Still, they don't disappoint. Set Grade: B

HATEBREED - Solid, if somewhat one-note. The sugary-sweet, "I will persevere and survive" attitude should be left in a self-help book, not onstage. And Jasta, this isn't a karate class or a 80s dance club, knock it off with those lame jump kicks. Set Grade: B-

Show Grade: B-

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